What’s Covered?
The Search for Cyclops # 1 - 4, UXM #391, Cyclops # 1 - 4
The Search for Cyclops # 1 - 4
Writer - Joe Harris
Pencils - Tom Raney
Scott is in Morocco with no memory
Ozymandias takes a grieving C and Jean to find Apoc
Anais, a servant of Ozymandias, has found Scott
Caliban (Pestilence) finds Scott
He’s fighting to hold Apoc back inside him
Gauntlet going after him too
Secretly sent by little dude to kill Scottpocalypse
Scott flees to Akkaba
Anais wants to take on the essence of Apoc
Jean pulls out the essence of Apoc and C stabs it with his scimitar
UXM 391 - Cyclops and Corsair
Writer - Scott Lobdell
Pencils - Salvador Larocca
Scott and his pops (Corsair) spend the day fishing. They both get their feelings out and hug. The end.
Cyclops Mini Series
Writer - Brian K. Vaughn
Pencils - Mark Teixeira
Cyke attacked by Juggs and Black Tom on his way to Alaska.
They were hired by Ulysses
Cyke tracks them to the Savage Land where he fights Ulysses
Cyke fights a Visigon, restoring a tribes sight
Cyke beats Ulysses in Paraguay
My Connections and Creators
None of these stories were that great. But you know what is great? The fact that I'm almost to another re-launch.