Hey there! This is the NerdSoup4U X-Men blog!
I invite you to join me as I take a journey through every X-Men (and most X-Men related) comics from the very beginning through present day.
200: Favorites as of 2001 (ish)
199: UXM388, XMV2 109-110 (Colossus Dies & X-Men Move on)
198: UXM #388-389, XMV2 #108 (Dream’s End)
197: UXM # 387, XMV2 # 107 (Maximum Security)
193: UXM # 381 - 386 (Claremont appoints Gambit leader)
190: UXM 379 - 380, XMV2 99 (No Powers)
188: UXM 378, XM 98 (Ages of Apocalypse)
187: UXM 376 - 377, XM 96 - 97 (The Twelve)
186: UXM # 372-375, XM # 92-95 (The Shattering)
184: UXM # 369-371, XM 88 - 91 (Space/Time Travel & Douglock)
183: UXM # 368 (Magneto Rex)
182: UXM # 366 - 367, XM # 85 - 87 (Alan Davis Starts the Magneto Wars)
181: UXM # 362 - 365, XM 82-84 (Hunt for Xavier)
180: UXM # 360 - 361, XM # 80-81 (Excalibur Reunion!)
177: UXM # 356 - 359: Original 5 in Alaska, Bishop in Space, Rogue’s Agency
172: Scott Lobdell Retrospective
171: UXM # 351 - 355, XMV2 # 70 - 75 (Enter Joe Kelly and Steve Seagle)
169: UXM #347 - 350 (The Trial of Gambit)
1997 Tier List
166: X-Men # 66 - 69, UXM # 346 (OZT: Iceman and Friends)