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Hey there! This is the NerdSoup4U X-Men blog!
I invite you to join me as I take a journey through every X-Men (and most X-Men related) comics from the very beginning through present day.
Nov 23, 20214 min read
90: Excalibur #51 - 58 (Sat-Yr-9)
What’s Covered? Excalibur, V 1: # 51 - 58 Roster Watch Synopsis #51: Dinosaur People Dimension Writer - Alan Davis Pencils - Dougle...
Oct 14, 202112 min read
83: Excalibur (Vol 1) # 42 - 50 (Alan Davis on Excalibur)
What’s Covered? Excalibur, Volume 1: # 42 - 50 (Sep '91 - March '92) Roster Watch Synopsis 42: Technet Attacks Gatecrasher hatch a plan...
Sep 24, 20216 min read
79: Excalibur # 35 - 41 (Scott Lobdell on Excalibur)
What’s Covered? Excalibur # 35 - 41, Weird War 3. Roster Watch Synopsis # 35: D'Spayre in a Well Writer - Scott Lobdell Pencils - David...
Sep 17, 202119 min read
The Claremont Run Retrospective
Introduction While Claremont did script the first three issues of the re-booted X-Men (and made enough money off those issues to buy a...
Aug 9, 202115 min read
Favorites as of 1990
Introduction This is going to be a new feature of this bog starting in 1990 (reading through '90, not me writing in '90). Just for fun,...
Jul 30, 20219 min read
66: Excalibur # 18-34 (End of Cross Time Caper)
What’s Covered? Issues: Exc # 18 - 34 (Nov ' 89 - December '90) Roster Watch Synopsis # 18 - 19 (Jamie Braddock's in the Fast Lane) I'm...
Jul 16, 202111 min read
61: Excalibur # 8 - 17 (The Cross-Time Caper)
What’s Covered? Exccalibur V1 # 8 - 17 Roster Watch Synopsis EXC # 8: Inferno Clean-Up In the aftermath of Inferno, Brian Braddock wakes...
Jul 2, 20213 min read
57: Excalibur # 6 - 7 (Inferno Part 3)
What’s Covered? Excalibur V1 # 6 - 7 Roster Watch Synopsis Excalibur # 6 & 7 - Inferno lite Excalibur # 6 opens up with Rachel blasting...
Jun 23, 202114 min read
53: Excalibur #1-5
What’s Covered? Excalibur 1 - 5, Excalibur Special Edition: The Sword is Drawn Roster Watch Creators Excalibur was created by Chris...
May 16, 202110 min read
42: NM 41 - 44 (Captain Britain Crash Course)
What’s Covered? New Mutants Volume 1 # 41 - 45 (March - July '86), NM Annual # 2, X-Men Annual # 10, Captain Britain Primer Roster Watch...
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